graphical user interface

If you have a website, it’s very likely that you use templates to design your pages instead of designing each page anew. You might use templates for landing pages, product pages, content pages, or funnel pages. Multipage testing, testing one element across all pages of one type (product pages, for example) can be a fast, easy way to maximize conversions in one fell swoop.

VacationRoost, a travel company that manages multiple travel-lodging sites for visitors searching for rental properties, destinations, or deals, used this methodology to increase conversions across multiple pages at once instead of one at a time.

Vacation roost homepage variants

According to Ryan Hutchings, VacationRoost’s Director of Online Marketing, visitors typically enter through a targeted landing page based on the location they searched for travel or rental property.

For Ryan, multipage testing has become a quick, simple, and a hugely powerful strategy for maximizing conversions across each of these landing pages.

“I’m able to quickly build test variations just one time, and then serve up that same experience across several pages at once,” Ryan says.

Using multipage testing, Ryan recently ran five experiments across VacationRoost’s landing pages.

  1. Security seals vs. no security seals

  2. Call-to-action button color and copy

  3. Number of calls-to-action displayed

  4. Property description length and format

  5. Search filter options